Sunday 16 June 2013

Fast & Furious 6: Review

I'm going to start by apologising for negatively slating Fast & Furious 6 in a previous post. Although usually by a sixth instalment a movie series is simply repeating previous scenarios solely for money, somehow the producers of the car-action series have found a comfortable blend of action, racing and humour, with something to appeal to everybody. The plot this time plays out as Hobbs (played by Dwayne 'arms-bigger-than-trees' Johnson) assembles the old crew, led by O'Conner (Paul Walker) and Toretto (Vin Diesel), in an attempt to stop a new collection of racer criminals fronted by a man known as Shaw (Luke Evans).

The film opens with a nostalgic title sequence for fans of the series, showing clips from the previous sequels. It then quickly gets in to insane action scenes, and doesn't slow down until the credits roll. It's important to know that if you're a huge fan of movies which stick to the laws of physics, maybe Fast & Furious 6 won't be your cup of tea. There are a ridiculous number of times when things occur which are completely impossible, but as long as you can switch off and appreciate the film for what it is, it becomes very enjoyable. For example, Dwayne Johnson leaps from one vehicle to another with ease, as if both were completely stationary. And I don't mean something reasonably believable like in James Bond, I mean a jump such as from an aircraft carrier while it is moving to a Jeep driving along the run-way many metres below. 

Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson)

The acting is surprisingly enjoyable for an action movie, even more so if you're familiar with the characters from the other films in the series. Vin Diesel plays Dominic Toretto very well, being deadly serious but also fairly comical at certain parts, along with Tyrese Gibson and Ludacris as Roman and Tej, respectively. The soundtrack is also highly appropriate, whilst although it isn't memorable, it compliments the high-octane action very well. 

Overall, Fast & Furious 6 is either a very enjoyable and action-packed film, or a laughable mess, depending on whether or not you can sit back and just watch an action movie for the sake of an action movie. I personally really liked Fast 6, as I felt it was the perfect 'popcorn movie', but I'll understand if anybody were to disagree.    8/10

"You've got the best crew in the world standing
in front of you, give them a reason to stay."

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