Friday 29 November 2013

Top 5 Playstation 3 Games

Back in 2006, Sony released the Playstation 3, and despite not initially being favoured by the masses due to its average launch line-up and seemingly extortionate price, it has gradually become one of the main staples of the video game industry. Since its launch, the PS3 has gone through several iterations, with the most recent being the "Playstation 3 super-slim". Now, almost 8 years later, the Playstation 4 has been released in Europe. With a much more positive greeting from public audiences, hopefully the PS4 will surpass the PS3 in every way possible. In order to mark this special occasion, I've put together a list of my personal favourite games available on the PS3 system:

5) Max Payne 3
Max Payne 3 was my first foray into Rockstar's Max Payne series, and it was certainly a game which captured my attention. Slick controls, fun combat and a superb storyline combined to create a game which is criminally unheard of when compared to bigger Rockstar titles such as Red Dead Redemption. It surprised me hugely with how consistently entertaining it was, and many aspects from the game were later used in the hugely successful GTA V

4) Dishonoured
Dishonoured was a game which showed how fun the stealth genre could be. Set in a steam-punk Victorian era, it allowed players to choose how a scenario played-out to such a degree that no two playthoughs would be the same, due to a vast array of weapons and abilities. Despite not being an incredibly long game, the necessity to experiment meant that you could replay all of the game's missions time and time again without them ever becoming tiresome, something which many current games certainly can't claim. 

3) Fallout 3
Some may argue that the more recent Skyrim is the best role-playing game released by talented company Bethesda, but for me, Fallout 3 had something special that set it apart from other games. Maybe it's the constant sense of adventure, or the immersive tone set by the 40s American music, but I couldn't get enough of it. I couldn't count the number of hours I've spent traversing the nuclear wasteland of Fallout 3, but there's no way I could say I regret any of them either. 

2) Bioshock: Infinite
Really, any of the Bioshock games could have made it on this list, but the most recent, Infinite, was something truly special. The unique art-style made it different to it's predecessors, but once you sat down and played it, it was definitely a Bioshock game. The entertainment gained by playing the game is matched only by the phenomenally well-written script and plot, and the ending is one which will stick with you for many days after completion. 

1) The Last of Us
The top-spot on my list was a difficult choice. It was between The Last of Us or Uncharted 2, but due to the incredible story-telling by the former, it came out on top. It's difficult to put into words just how amazing the plot is in The Last of Us. Every character you come across is unique and interesting, and the emotional journey you take throughout the game is almost unbearable with how much it throws at you. Combine this with a near-perfect combat-system, stunning graphics and solid multiplayer, and it's clear why The Last of Us is at the top of many people's lists. 

So there is my list of personal favourites from the previous generation of games. This list is far from conclusive, as there have been literally hundreds of enjoyable titles released on Sony's little black box, but these stuck out personally as games which have remained with me to this day. Hopefully we can expect many more experiences like this on the new Playstation 4 in the years to come. Feel free to leave a comment on what has stuck out for you in terms of the PS3! 


  1. That was a splendid read dude. My personal best game of all had to be the recent GTA IV, it was just sick. The storyline was supreme, full of shocks and stunts. And I hope the PS4 continues my journey of stunning games.

  2. Although I disagree with GTA IV, I couldn't have said the 2nd part better ;)

  3. My sincere apologies. I was supposed to put 'V', instead of 'IV' after my friend pointed out. Getting my Roman numerals mixed up, apologies once more.
