Saturday 28 December 2013

Silver Linings Playbook: Review

Silver Linings Playbook doesn't exactly give away much about the plot within its title. After an ex-teacher named Pat Solitano (Bradley Cooper) is released from a mental institution after being in there for 8 months, he immediately sets about rekindling his marriage with his estranged 'wife' Nikki (Brea Bee), who played a part in his initial admission to the institution. Meanwhile, Pat's father Pat Sr. (Robert De Niro) is obsessed with American football and the Philadelphia Eagles, to the point where OCD is heavily implied. Whilst trying to contact his wife who has taken out a restraining order, Pat enlists the help of neighbourhood friend Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) in an attempt at getting through to Nikki. 

Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence)

The reason I came to hear about Silver Linings Playbook was due to the hype around Jennifer Lawrence's character and the fact she was awarded numerous awards such as an Oscar and Golden Globe, and rightfully so. Both of the leading roles are performed so successfully that the plot of the film could be almost anything and it would still remain engaging and emotionally driven. Usually I'm not drawn to films which seem to be largely or at least partly romantic, but Silver Linings Playbook features many other aspects which drive it forwards and make it far more interesting than many other mediocre movies, such as the consistent presence of mental illness. The main character Pat is defined as having bipolar, but as previously mentioned, several other illnesses and symptoms are attributed to many other characters, which makes the film strangely relate-able

Another thing which really surprised me was how accurate the soundtrack to the film was. I couldn't name any of the tracks featured, but they always accompanied the mood which was conveyed incredibly well and really helped get the desired tones across. This combined with the remarkably good cinematography brought by David O. Russel, and Silver Linings Playbook was a lot better than I thought it would be.

Unfortunately, the film is littered with clichés which feature in countless romantic films. A scene between Pat and his father in which his Pat Sr. comments on how he "didn't spend enough time with him when he was younger" was touching, but eye-rolling due to it's incredibly expected nature. The ending is also very apparent to anybody who has seen a film in their life, but this doesn't detract at all from the amazing performances brought by a superb cast of actors, specifically Jennifer Lawrence & Bradley Cooper. 

Pat (Bradley Cooper)

Silver Linings Playbook was a really pleasant surprise. Not only was it entertaining, but certain scenes were genuinely emotional, if a little clichéd. There were also several moments which made me laugh more than many comedies have this year. It would be nowhere near as good without its extremely talented cast who bring the average plot above and beyond, and it is definitely a feel-good movie which I could happily recommend to anybody.  

"Nikki's waiting for me to get in shape and get my life
back together. Then we're going to be together."

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