Thursday 27 February 2014

Movie 43: Review

I've put off watching Movie 43 for a very long time, considering all of the dreadful feedback it received when it was initially released in January of last year. The plot of the film vaguely revolves around three teenagers trying to find the "most banned film on the internet", which is appropriately titled Movie 43, although the American version of the film has a completely alternate plot revolving around movie producers pitching this film to a company. Regardless of this, both versions contain this plot solely to string together 12 un-funny, crude, horrific sketch comedies containing an unbelievably star-studded cast of actors. From Hugh Jackman to Stephen Merchant; nobody is left out. 

Johnny Knoxville

I have literally no idea why so many well-known celebrities would agree to be a part of this truly appalling movie. One of the opening sketches features Hugh Jackman and Kate Winslet attending a blind-date, but the 'hilarious' twist is that Hugh Jackman's character has a pair of prosthetic testicles on his neck which only Kate Winslet appears to notice. This successfully sets the tone for the rest of the movie, with scene after scene revolving around a tiresome concept dragged out far beyond being funny. A theory I have heard is that the actors were made to feel guilty after signing their contracts so they became obliged to continue the production, but when you reach a sketch revolving around a woman wanting her fiancĂ©e to defecate on her, it becomes very hard to believe any such ideas. 

Emma Stone

Speaking of defecation, Movie 43 really leaves no stone unturned when it comes to the juvenile areas of comedy. Incest, periods & blatant racism all make an appearance, and none are handled in a remotely funny manner. In fact, the only slightly entertaining sequences of the movie such as a scene between Stephen Merchant and Halle Berry didn't rely heavily on these kind of topics at all, and were much better for it. The majority of the film seems as if a young, pre-pubescent boy was behind everything, which isn't ideal when there's such critically acclaimed actors present. 

Although it may seem like I'm being pretentious about Movie 43, that's only because there is genuinely nothing redeemable about this film. I'm all for 'low-brow' comedy when it's done correctly, and I even enjoy the earlier Scary Movie films which feature huge amounts of this, but Movie 43 simply isn't good. I really wish I could say otherwise, because I'm a fan of many actors featured, but it just is downright awful from start to finish. 

In case it isn't obvious, I'd highly recommend giving Movie 43 a miss. It only runs for around 90 minutes, but felt as if it dragged on for far, far longer. Unless the American version is drastically different, I have no idea why this film was ever made, and feel bad for everybody involved. Do yourself a favour and watch a comedy such as Airplane which shows just how successful a rapid flurry of jokes can be. 

"Teenage boys are physically attracted to naked women."
"Our research doesn't show that, sir."

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