Tuesday 6 May 2014

My Top 5 TV Shows

As with any list I compile, I'd like to start by saying I haven't seen every television programme. This includes critically-acclaimed classics like The Sopranos and even the much more recent Game of Thrones, so don't expect every show ever aired to be on this list. This is my personal top 5, and so it's entirely subjective. 

5) House of Cards (2013 - Current)
The only reason House of Cards is at number 5 in this list is because it has so much more to come. Season 1 built up the series reasonably well, but it wasn't until this Netflix-exclusive series entered its second running that things really exploded. Kevin Spacey plays the leading role of Francis Underwood incredibly well, and the rest of the cast support him to a very entertaining degree. With outstanding acting, production value and plot; this is really a series to keep an eye on in the near future. 

"Power is better than money for as long as it lasts...
but it never lasts."

4) The Simpsons (1989 - Current)
It's difficult to think of a beloved long-running cartoon without considering The Simpsons. Now in its 26th season, some may argue that it's well ran its course, but I can easily watch any episode of this hugely popular series and find copious amounts of entertainment. It's widely agreed that the earlier seasons (up till 8) were the pinnacle of The Simpsons' career, but the constant pop-culture references and consistently excellent animation makes me think that it'll be around for a long time to come. 

"Just for once I'd like someone to call me 'sir' without
adding 'you're making a scene'."

3) The Office: An American Workplace (2005-2013)
A lot of people seem to love the original, British version of The Office, and although I can find some enjoyable moments in it, the American interpretation completely blows it out of the water. With Steve Carell taking over Ricky Gervais as the lovable/detestable boss of a small company, The U.S Office is literally packed full of enjoyable content. Every single one of the 187 episodes made is funny, emotional and entertaining - something I can't say for the British version. 

"I wouldn't say I'm superstitious. 
I'm just a little-stitious." 

2) Luther (2010 - 2013)
When a friend of mine recommended Luther, I was initially apprehensive. I thought it would be a typical police drama which would be occasionally exciting but overall bland and predictable. And I couldn't have been more wrong. Yes, without Idris Elba, Luther may not be nearly anywhere as good as it is, but the detailed and intriguing plot of every single episode means they can be watched and re-watched numerous times. Combine this with multiple outstanding series finales and gut-wrenching twists, and you've got something truly special. The only problem is the length of each season, but the quality more than makes up for it. 

"Someone said to me once: hell is empty...and all the devils
are here."

1) Breaking Bad (2008 - 2013)
Was this really a surprise? Yes, I have a bit of an obsession where Breaking Bad is concerned, but anybody whom has seen the show will completely agree that it is by far one of the best pieces of entertainment ever made. Every single episode in this 5-season masterpiece is tense, well-acted and incredibly enjoyable. But I've already said this multiple times, so for anybody who hasn't seen Breaking Bad: go and watch it. Just try out the first episode. Then the next. Then the first few seasons. Then you ought to just watch it all. It really is more addictive than meth. 

"I am not in danger, I AM the danger."

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