Thursday 9 October 2014

Films Coming Soon: An Update

Unfortunately, there's been a bit of a dry-spell in films recently. That's not to say none have been coming out - because that certainly isn't the case - but there's been very little that caught my attention (hence why I haven't posted a review in just over a month). Within the next few months however, this is thankfully set to change! So here's three movies which I'm personally very excited for coming out soon, and ones which I will definitely be giving my opinion on when they're released: 

Interstellar (7th November, 2014)

Christopher Nolan has yet to disappoint. All of The Dark Knight trilogy of films were nothing but incredible, Inception was mind-blowing, and even his earlier movies such as Memento are easily amongst my very favourites. Naturally, Interstellar looks set to continue this trend. The plot revolves around the idea that the human race can only maintain life on Earth for a finite period of time, and so 'engineers' are sent through interstellar travel in order to find other sources of sustenance. With huge names such as Matthew McConaughey and Michael Caine being a part of this, it certainly looks like it could be one of 2014's best films, and I for one am incredibly excited. 

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 
(21st November, 2014)

If you'd have told me a few years ago that I would be eagerly anticipating the next instalment in a popular teen-fiction adaptation series, I would have probably laughed in your face. Imagine my surprise then, that I indeed am doing just this. The original Hunger Games film released back in 2012 instantly got me hooked, and had me excitedly awaiting its sequel. While Catching Fire wasn't a masterpiece of a movie, it was still hugely enjoyable, and yet again got me looking forwards to the next movie in the franchise. Sure, the fact the final book is being split in to two movies (like The Deathly Hallows) is slightly irritating, and will no doubt mean that the cliffhanger featured will be immensely irritating. But I honestly couldn't care, just as long as the conclusion to this dystopian drama is as satisfying as it can possibly be. 

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies 
(12th December, 2014)

Yet another franchise I never anticipated I would have so much love for. In the build-up to the second film in The Hobbit series, I decided to watch every Lord of the Rings movie and the first Hobbit film back-to-back. This turned out to be a really enjoyable investment, as both series are hugely entertaining in their own right. With this conclusion of the prequels I've even decided to read the book that inspired them, which is an immense rarity for me. Based upon the tone set by the single trailer released, it certainly looks like The Battle of the Five Armies will continue the epic atmosphere of its predecessors, and if the title is any indication, will hopefully feature plenty of Middle Earth action. 

So there we have it: three movies I'm personally very excited for. These will all definitely receive reviews from me on here, and will hopefully exceed the already high expectations I have for them. They're by no means the only films I will watch before the year's end, so keep an eye out for other reviews and similar posts. 

Also, I occasionally write game reviews for a website called 'Brash Games', and if that's your thing, then feel free to read them here. Let me know what films you're looking forwards to this fall, and maybe I'll check them out some time too!  

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