Tuesday 14 May 2013

A Clockwork Orange: Review

Arguably Stanley Kubrick's finest masterpiece, A Clockwork Orange tells the story of the violent, charismatic and aggressive youth Alexander DeLarge (Malcolm McDowell). The film revolves around his extremely antisocial actions and their inevitable reactions, touching on several dark areas such as rape and abuse. When Alex is jailed for the murder of an innocent person, the movie portrays exactly how much power the government has over it's citizens: experimenting on those placed in confinement. 

There's no doubt that the first time you see A Clockwork Orange, it may shock you as to how peculiar it all is. For anybody familiar with Kubrick, the movie may not seem quite as odd, but it is unique nonetheless. Its contradiction of classical composers such as Beethoven against disturbing violence creates a viewing experience like no other. 

Alexander DeLarge (Malcolm McDowell)

But why exactly is A Clockwork Orange my favourite movie I have seen? Probably down to the main character of Alex being so likeable despite the fact he is quite clearly a psychotic delinquent. The film opens with an iconic shot of Alex raising a glass of milk, while he narrates in the background. I am personally a huge fan of films which contain a strong lead narrator, such as Fight Club, so it is no surprise as to how much enjoyment I get every time I watch A Clockwork Orange. 

From a personal point of view, I have literally no issues with the film, as it is as much of a pleasure to watch now as it was the first time I saw it. Some may argue that certain segments seem drawn out or it is occasionally strange solely for the purpose of being strange, but I would have to disagree with both of these criticisms. The story details the tribulations of Alexander DeLarge to an excellent degree, making you feel you've experienced his journey by the end. 

Another thing to note is how A Clockwork Orange contains many subtle themes and messages, being a Stanley Kubrick film. The movie was released in 1971 to a very mixed reaction, but is still just a relevant to this very day. It saddens me that many have not heard of A Clockwork Orange, as it really is something everybody should experience. 

A Clockwork Orange is a film like no other. It is thought-provoking, funny, scary, exciting and disturbing all at once. The acting is eccentric, but it all makes perfect sense in context of the rest of the movie. Malcolm McDowell presents one of the most iconic characters put on screen, somehow gaining the viewer's respect through his particular delivery of all his lines and worryingly charismatic outlook. A Clockwork Orange will not be for everybody, but if you take the time to search it out, I promise you that it will not be an experience you forget quickly.   10/10

"Goodness is something which is chosen. 
If he cannot choose, he ceases to be a man."

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