Sunday 21 July 2013

2015: The Year of Movies

The title of this post may seem rather ridiculous seeing as we're currently only half-way through 2013, but after some recently announced news and a personal milestone of 2,000 blog views (thank you very much for that), it seems hugely appropriate that I talk about how phenomenal 2015 is already looking as a year for movies. So here are a few films that have been announced to be released that year which will no doubt get many people excited: 

Star Wars: Episode VII (Date TBA)
It'll no doubt cause a little controversy, but I've never been a huge fan of the Star Wars movies. I do however understand why the announcement of a new film set to start another trilogy would come with enormous anticipation amongst fans of the franchise and simply fans of movies, especially once incredibly talented director J.J. Abrams responsible for the popular Star Trek movies was confirmed to direct it. Information and advertisement for Episode VII is extremely scarce right now, but will no doubt escalate nearer it's release. 

Fan-made poster

The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron (1st May 2015)
The first Avengers movie released last year was one of the highest grossing films of all time, so it should come as no surprise that a sequel is in the works. Anticipated by many, Joss Whedon's comic-book epic will no doubt surpass the original not only in sales but hype, as a release date and full title have already been announced. Not much information regarding the plot is known at this time, but this is almost definitely due to the release date being two years away. 

Official title announced very recently

Assassins Creed (19th June 2015)
Not much is known about this movie based on the video-game phenomenon that is the Assassins Creed series, apart from a rumour that the talented Michael Fassbender is set to play main protagonist Desmond Miles. Video-game movies are notorious for being a disappointment, but perhaps Sony Pictures will produce a film which can be enjoyed by fans of the game and typical movie-goers alike. 

Michael Fassbender alongside series' hero Altair 

Terminator 5 (26th June 2015)
Along with Assassins Creed in the 'possibility' category, Terminator 5 has extremely little information regarding actors, plot, or news of a possible director. The only rumour which is believable is that film icon Arnold Schwarzenegger may reprise his role in the cult series, news which has fans including myself begging to be true. I suppose we'll have to wait till Summer 15' in order to find out more. 

The incredibly classic Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Finding Dory (25th November 2015)
Announced by Ellen DeGeneres on her American daytime show back in April, Finding Dory is set to be the sequel to the popular Pixar movie Finding Nemo released in 2003, in which Ellen voiced Nemo's lovable friend Dory. Not much is known at this time about this anticipated sequel, but confirmation from Disney and a release date means we can definitely expect Finding Dory in a couple of years. 

Official poster released for Finding Dory

Man of Steel 2 (Date TBA)
Now, I didn't think that the first Man Of Steel released about a month ago was really anything special, and nowhere near as good as Nolan's spectacular Batman movies. But a piece of information released this week at Comic Con has me as excited for this sequel as I was for the release of The Dark Knight in 2012. Batman will feature in this movie. Without any knowledge of plot, I'm already incredibly hyped for Man Of Steel 2 (a title which will no doubt be more imaginative), simply because Batman is by far my favourite comic-book hero of all time, and regardless of whether you agree, it's difficult to not be excited for a crossover like this which has been anticipated for years. Also, Christian Bale has said he will not return as the caped crusader, so a new actor will need to rise to the challenge, something which could end up very good or simply mediocre. I have very high hopes for this movie, and I decided to save the best till last. 

Henry Cavill will return as Superman, with a new actor portraying
The Dark Knight

There we have it, a short list of films which I am personally looking forwards to throughout 2015. There are many more I have not mentioned such as Jurassic Park 4 and a new James Bond project, but these are a handful of movies which stood out for me as very interesting, and I will be keeping up with in the months to come. 

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