Thursday 18 July 2013

Pacific Rim: Review

Set in the early 2020s, Pacific Rim tells the story of how giant robotic suits known as Jaegers (meaning 'hunter' in German) are created in order to fight off colossal aliens known as the Kaiju. At times the movie focuses on protagonist Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam), a semi-retired pilot of these war machines, but by far the most enjoyable segments are those in which the robots fight the aliens. 

It sounds mindless, but in all honesty my least favourite scenes in the movie were those which attempted to develop the characters whom we are meant to care about. I personally went to see Pacific Rim  so I could watch giant fights which were hugely benefited by the exceptional CGI, and when this did happen, the movie was incredibly enjoyable. Aided by an appropriate soundtrack, certain scenes became pure fun to watch. 

Others however, were not quite as entertaining. The middle third of Pacific Rim is largely character development and building up to the big fight at it's conclusion, and although mostly necessary, there were many times when I simply wanted to see the action I had came for. If the film were advertised differently, then I would have expected something else, but it seemed like it was going to be a two hour thrill-ride, which simply isn't true. 

Mako Mori (Rinko Kikuchi)

As mentioned earlier, the CGI really was something to behold, as there were several occasions where I almost forgot these huge robots didn't actually exist, due to the phenomenal digital renditions. Some of the acting talent was also a joy to watch, although there were only a few big names such as Idris Elba as Stacker Pentecost, or Ron Perlman as the intimidating Hannibal Chau (who was severely under-used in my opinion). 

Pacific Rim is definitely an entertaining and fun movie to watch, but not 100% of the time. If you can sit through the attempted character building, then the fight-scenes are worth it, as they are probably the best I have seen in a movie, but otherwise it may be a wise idea to wait until it releases on DVD.    7.8/10

"To fight monsters, we built monsters of 
our own."

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