Tuesday 2 July 2013

This Is The End: Review

The plot for This Is The End isn't it's biggest selling point, because if looked at from afar it's a fairly stereotypical apocalypse film. No, the best part about the movie is the fact that many celebrities and comedy actors all play exaggerated versions of themselves, mainly revolving around James Franco, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride and Craig Robinson. They all go for a party at James Franco's house, but when everything turns apocalyptic, these six remain in the house while other celebrities leave and quickly die.

It's not a completely detailed plot but one which allows for many hilarious scenes amongst these comedy actors, with a particularly funny argument between James Franco and Danny McBride being a personal highlight. Most of the comedy is quite crude, with countless jokes about genitals, but if you can switch off and appreciate it for what it is, This Is The End is a very good comedy movie. 

James Franco

On the topic of crude humour, it's important to know that this film won't be for everybody. A very specific demographic of teenagers will get the most out of the movie, particularly if you're a film-fan as there are references to countless movies the cast have been in such as the camera used by James Franco in 127 Hours, but I can really understand if you feel it's a bit too much, along with the over-the-top comedic violence. 

Saying this, I thought This Is The End was a perfect blend of talented actors, well written dialogue (mixed in with lots of improvisation), and a fairly interesting plot to keep things going. There were a few scenes which slowed down a little and lacked the hilarity of others, and the movie wraps up rather quickly, but these are only minor faults when compared to how much you'll be laughing throughout.

Overall, This Is The End is a funny, crude, rude and entertaining film. I personally loved it, and didn't stop laughing from start to end, but I can vaguely see why it might not be for everybody. Regardless, I'd certainly recommend seeing it, just know exactly what you're getting yourself in for.  8/10

"I don't wanna die at James Franco's house." 

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