Thursday 11 April 2013

The complexities of Fight Club

I've seen Fight Club about 4 times now, and it just never seems to bore me. Obviously after the first viewing, you understand the story from a completely different perspective (due to the arguably biggest twist in films), but it still doesn't cease to keep the sense of adrenaline and intrigue achieved from the first time you watch it. I should warn you now that the rest of this post will be filled with spoilers, so if you have not yet seen Fight Club, you probably should stop reading now. 

I think the thing that really amazes me about the film is how much detail was put in specifically for the second viewing. For example, when The Narrator (Ed Norton) has his apartment blown up, he goes to call Tyler (Brad Pitt) as he has nobody else to turn to. He receives no answer however, but just as he goes to walk away the phone starts ringing. Now, the first time you see the film, this doesn't seem like a huge deal, it's happened in other movies. But when you realise that Tyler doesn't in fact exist, (or at least Brad Pitt's character) this is where things get interesting. As the Narrator goes to answer the phone, the camera very briefly shows the phone and text placed around it. Underneath the "TELNEX" brand name, you can make out a piece of information that reads "No incoming calls allowed", meaning that Tyler never could have called the Narrator from the phone. 

There are many clues like this hinting at the inevitable plot twist, including the scene where Lou beats up Tyler underneath the bar. In the background, you can very clearly see Ed Norton reacting to the blows Tyler receives, but it is done very subtly so that you would only realise if you had already seen the film or knew the twist.

This is why it annoys me when people disregard Fight Club as some film solely made for the enjoyment of those interested in fighting or anything but a masterpiece. It is about self-discovery, mental illness and freedom. Everybody who I have spoken to who has seen it has done nothing but love it. I would easily place it among my top five movies I have ever seen, as there truly is nothing like Fight Club, I don't believe many movies could ever top the feeling when you discover the identity of Tyler Durden towards the end of the movie. 

"I know this, because Tyler knows this." 


  1. I have to admit that Fight Club is quite possibly my favorite film, and I've watched it a few times now, and you've pointed out loads of things I never even realized while watching, I'll see if I can spot them when I next watch it (probably not, but I'll give it a go :P)

    1. It's well worth looking up on, it makes watching it even more enjoyable! :)
