Tuesday 23 April 2013

Se7en: Review

Se7en (or Seven, depending on how you'd prefer to write it), is a movie directed by David Fincher in 1995: the same director who brought us the incredible cult classic Fight Club. The movie follows Detective Mills and Somerset (Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, respectively), as they attempt to track down a brutal serial killer, (played by the Oscar winning Kevin Spacey) who tortures his victims using methods inspired by the seven deadly sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. Se7en is far from a typical crime thriller however, with a conclusion which will stick with you for days, possibly weeks, after watching. 

Now, it would be almost wrong for me to leave out the fact that Se7en is definitely not appropriate for everybody. It is dark, gritty and at times very disturbing. It is also however intriguing, complex and hugely enjoyable, with a final act which will keep anybody on edge, especially those who know nothing about the movie. Unfortunately I already knew mostly how the film ended, but there were still several twists which I had not been able to work out. These are not as jaw-dropping as those featured in Fight Club, but will certainly play on your mind for hours. 

Detective David Mills (Brad Pitt) 

Se7en is not only a intricate crime thriller, but it also explores the incredibly dark side to us all, commenting on how all of these sins are present inside every last one of us, showing their ugly selves in numerous ways. The murders exacted by Kevin Spacey's character are cleverly woven to present each sin in an incredibly violent fashion, brutally highlighting how dark human nature truly can be. It's a fair criticism that at times the movie goes to places maybe not expected, much more sinister than you would think, but in the end this all leads to a shocking and surprising climax which wraps up the story in a very gruesome manner. 

I have literally just finished watching the movie, so it is difficult for me to think of a personal criticism I may have, as it was just as good as I have heard it would be. I will say however, that the final few crime scenes feel very rushed, in comparison to the very first taking up a good 10 minutes of the movie. This is almost excusable however, as it builds up the pace to an almost unbearable level getting the viewer prepared for the nail-biting finale. 

Se7en is a dark, violent and at times difficult to watch movie. If you can bring yourself to do so however, you really are in for a treat. With an excellent cast of actors to present an equally excellent story, Se7en really is a film that shouldn't be missed.    9/10

"Ernest Hemmingway once wrote: the world is a fine place, and worth
fighting for...I agree with the second part." 

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